SPLIT Coverage
It is a SPLIT coverage for Civil Liability or damages to third parties, it is divided for bodily injuries, accidents and material damage.
f you want more information about the coverage, click here
RC coverage 30/60/25
$30,000 USD maximum bodily injury coverage for each affected third party.
$60,000 USD is the maximum amount to be covered for bodily injuries to all affected third parties.
$25,000 USD maximum coverage for damage to third-party property.
RC coverage 25/50/10
$25,000 USD maximum bodily injury coverage for each affected third party.
$50,000 USD is the maximum amount to be covered for bodily injuries to all affected third parties.
$10,000 USD maximum coverage for damage to third-party property.
RC coverage 25/50/15
$25,000 USD maximum for personal injuries to each affected third party.
$50,000 USD D is the maximum amount to be covered for bodily injuries to all affected third parties.
$15,000 USD maximum coverage for damage to third-party property.
RC Coverage 15/30/5
$15,000 USD maximum bodily injury coverage for each affected third party.
$30,000 USD D is the maximum amount to be covered for bodily injuries to all affected third parties.
$5,000 USD maximum coverage for damage to third-party property.
LUC Coverage
It is coverage for Civil Liability or damages to third parties with a Single Combined Limit (LUC), per event of damage to property and people.
This coverage can use up to $100,000 USD free of limitations for bodily injury or damage to property.
Your coverage exceeds the limit required by all states in the USA, we cover a maximum of $100,000 USD per event in damages to third parties.
Applies to any state of entry to the USA that you select.
By contracting our Civil Liability (RC) insurance, in addition to giving you peace of mind, we offer you the following benefits:
Medical expenses
Includes medical expenses for occupants of the insured vehicle for $2,000 USD per person and up to $10,000 USD per event.
Roadside assistance
- Medical expenses due to accident or illness
- Car rental due to theft, breakdown or accident
- Hotel for convalescence for a maximum of $90 USD up to 3 consecutive days
- Repatriation due to death
Legal assistance
In case of accident legal assistance included.
Boost your coverage with Assistance Plus
¿What does Assistance Plus cover? It is protection that complements your need to travel safely in the United States.
- Medical expenses due to accident or illness
- Car rental due to theft, breakdown or accident
- Hotel for convalescence for a maximum of $90 USD up to 3 consecutive days
- Repatriation due to death
¡Quote your insurance and add Plus Assistance at the end!
Frequent questions
En Estados Unidos y Canadá es obligatorio contar con un Seguro de Responsabilidad Civil para Autos con placas mexicanas. El Seguro de Auto Turista es un requisito legal para los vehículos con placas turistas que transitan por calles y carreteras en Estados Unidos y Canadá.
En National Unity contamos con diferentes alternativas de coberturas de responsabilidad civil.
Puedes adquirir un seguro de auto con un agente de seguros o comprando en línea haciendo clic aquí.
El seguro de auto turista o extranjero es el seguro que cubre la responsabilidad civil de cualquier auto mexicano o de cualquier nacionalidad diferente a la de Estados Unidos y/o Canadá. Este documento es obligatorio para poder circular en ambos países.
En caso de verse involucrado en un siniestro y resultar responsable de los daños ocasionados a un tercero, la póliza de seguro de responsabilidad civil de National Unity cubrirá los daños hasta por un monto máximo de la suma asegurada adquirida.
Adquiere una póliza de seguros de responsabilidad civil de National Unity a través de un agente de seguros o haciendo clic aquí.
The cost of insurance is variable according to the validity, , coverage, , and the individual characteristics of the driver or drivers.
It is a document that guarantees the contracted coverage and by which an insurance company commits to its insured.